The shawl I used under this arrangement belonged to my mom, who left us too soon. She treasured it because it was given to her by someone very special. Now it has inspired me to create for Valentine's day. True love manifests itself in many ways. … [Read more...]
Red Roses!
Spouses * Lovers * Friends don't forget the classic beauty of red roses. Let GBC Style provide you with exquisite roses for Valentine's Day or any day of the year! … [Read more...]
Quiet from the Inside Out
Thank you Gene for my tea cup. I was inspired to make the perfect arrangement to go with it. I remember you every time I use it. It's almost like the tea quiets me from the inside out. Reaching out to my soul and saying - shhh, it's time to just be still. May you find that peaceful moment in your days to be quieted from the inside out. … [Read more...]
Believing in the spirit of Christmas is about finding those little moments in time that inspire us as we continue our journey through life. A good example is when I came back from a very exciting flower installation. I felt on top of the world. Well, normally I would share this great news with my parents, but now there was no one to share this … [Read more...]
Constantly learning with my family.
Spending time with my family during the slow summer months completes me. I find during the school year I run around keeping things as together as possible for my family and my work. I just don’t have the proper time to teach important lessons. The Summer of 2012 brings new beginnings and with new beginnings there is always the process of … [Read more...]
Remember the Meat Ball
Yesterday morning as the boys left for school the bittersweet reality hit me like never before, I would not have them with me from day till night. Our days would not be ruled by our imagination, nor our lazy attitude to naturally slow us down. My sons couldn't stop thanking me with hugs for a wonderful summer. "Thank you Mom, it was the best … [Read more...]
Will you have a cup of tea?
Afternoon tea in Ireland is more than just having a cup. It's really about sitting down with family or friends to just slow down for a chat. It's a little ceremony giving us a treasured simple moment to recharge from the day. A piping brewed cup with a simple biscuit is all one needs, however, when a Granny wishes to show her littlest grand … [Read more...]
“Fountainstown” a place to grow up in
My Husband’s childhood Summer home. This home has the views of eternal beauty. … [Read more...]