If you’ve been following my blog/journal recently, I’m sure you’ve noticed that I’ve been taking chances with my art. All of the watercolors and sketching I’ve been working on recently are proving to be challenging and creative, both of which are necessary to keep my wedding business unique, different. In a cyber world where we all have our platform, why not take a chance and invent yourself without fear?!
Taking chances in art, life, and business
My big inner push to be vulnerable in front of millions of people, knowing full well that I’m taking a huge risk, exposing myself to rejection, makes this a valuable experience both personally and for the growth of my business. The drawings that you see on this post are the product of my desire to stay creative, and a push to finally express myself via a medium I loved as a child, art.
I could have played it safe and not taken a gamble. I could have kept these pieces private, seen only by the safe eyes of my family and loved ones. But if I had not taken chances with my art, if I had been intimidated into inaction at the thought of putting myself in such a vulnerable position, or frozen at the thought of producing and sharing images that were less than stellar to me, my brand would have suffered.
It’s important to understand that in order for brands/businesses to survive and succeed, taking chances is crucial. I genuinely think that all my hard work has paid off. My brand can stand on its own because it is my art. It is my creativity that strengthens my business in the long run because it allows me to stay in a state of flow.
When I play it safe, I limit my fear. As I learn to take risks, I see this fear as something essential to growth. I’m beginning to make friends with this emotion and learning to understand that it’s merely a protective mechanism which we rely on to stay calm. Well here is the dig, I don’t want to live in a ‘follow the herd’ calm state anymore. Playing it safe is what I did in the past – it’s not my present or my future.
I am a creative soul, we all are. So our goal should be to create unconditionally, in everything we do, and to boldly put out work that only we can do.
Won’t you show your creative side? Be bold, what do you have to lose?
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