We have come full circle in how we do business. Many small business owners have embraced the idea again of working in partnership with other small businesses. Sort of the old fashioned “you scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours”.
Recently, I had the pleasure of working with James Bedell, a lighting specialist, desiring to teach his audience more about lighting, specifically flowers for an upcoming blog post he was writing. When he asked if I was up for the task, how could I refuse?
As you can see on the left, the photo of my flowers appears to be flat and dull. Without proper lighting all this work I did to create a really unique arrangement is useless. In the event I ever wanted to use this photograph online, I could not use these picture because they are just not appealing. I’m not saying the arrangement is boring but against the dark walls it just doesn’t pop.
Now look at it with the help of his magic. You can see now how crucial lighting is when capturing the perfect image of flowers. Using different filters and positioning the light in different angles one creates the drama this arrangement intended to have.
Good lighting and photography can make all the difference in how you present your images online. And your image is everything!