From my earliest days as a young child, I’ve always loved flowers.
Everything about flowers has always drawn me to them – their colors, their shapes, their textures, their perfumes. Capturing them first as a small child with my crayons, and now again as an adult with my watercolors, I revel in their fragility and strength.
It wasn’t until well after starting my slow flower design business for weddings and events, however, that I started drawing and painting flowers again.
One day, while I was in my garden studio photographing some of my wedding flower designs before they were delivered, I got the urge to begin painting them again. It had been years since I had tried to paint flowers. However, there was something that felt natural and right about that moment, so I simply got out my watercolors and began.
From that time to this, I’ve worked hard to create moments in my daily life for painting the flowers I design. It’s art for joys’ sake.
If you would like to commission me to draw and paint a customized flower illustration for your invitation or event poster, I’d love to hear from you.
If you’re interested in licensing one of my flower paintings for use on your products, please contact me.
Gloria Battista Collins
Flowers. Art. Life.