A Slow Home is cared for in every way.
Cluttered minds produce cluttered homes.
I choose simpler solutions to produce bigger returns for my slow home, working constantly to de-clutter my life and my “stuff.” Needless to say, I often reflect on the value that our “things” provide the family.
The more stuff we own the more energy we require to maintain our sanity. The more I clean!
Cleanliness and neatness go hand-in-hand to produce tranquility in any Slow Home.
Simply put – if you see it, clean it.
By continually challenging myself on a daily basis to live a more mindful, deep approach to engaging a
slow home life style…the more
my home is gradually becoming a peaceful haven.
Spring is a good time to begin the clean up with the outside world the perfect starting spot.
It’s at this time of year thata multitude of treasures can be found in your yard.
Well, not really, but I DO find “stuff.”
Items that need to be put back in their proper place.
Shovels, doggy land mines, items the boys took out to play with in the snow. Paper, wrappers, empty bottles, twigs,any number of things.
Now is the time to get out there and pick them up.
I get the entire family involved, giving everyone ownership in keeping things neat and tidy.
The idea is to start thinking Spring.
Spring cleaning CHECK LIST.
Slow Home Living is…
… learning about how you can make small choices that can change the world, one step at a time.
GBC Style is working to bring Slow Home Living choices, no matter how small, into your home.